Ed Milliband

4057 days ago

Friday Caption Contest – Celebrating the Euro Edition

What was it that Chris Huhne, Tony Blair, Lord Howe, Paddy Pantsdown etc. said about how disastrous it would be if Britain did not join the Euro?  No doubt the guilty men will apologise one day to those they labelled xenophobes for disagreeing with them. Perhaps they might care to explain to the good folk of Cyprus how they have benefitted from Euro membership?

In light of this the prize for the wittiest entry to this week’s caption contest is 1 Cypriot Euro or 2 Cupid shares – whichever is worth less. Actually I shall offer a real prize: an It’s Time to Leave T-shirt.

As ever you can buy your own it’s time to leave T-shirt as well as a range of other politically incorrect T-shirts, mugs, sweat-shorts and hoodies HERE

And brownie points to anyone who turns up at the UKInvestor Show on April 13th wearing such apparel.

So post your captions to the picture below in the comments section. The deadline for entries is next Friday morning

My entry is: “There is a surprisingly large turnout at the annual meeting of the Cyprus friends of Germany Society”

Last week I asked for captions to a picture of Ed Milliband. The standard of entries was so depressingly low (my own included) that there is no prize. And I’d rather not have another picture of this hopeless figure on this site so let’s just draw a line under the episode.

Now that he is friended me on Facebook, can Jon Pickles please return with a vengeance for this week’s contest.


4065 days ago

Friday Caption Contest Lord Ahmed (prize shit & convicted killer) issue

As I noted earlier today Labour peer Lord Ahmed killed a man by crashing his Jag into the man’s stationary car while texting away at 70 miles an hour. Ahmed reckons that service 16 days for this killing was harsh and only happened because he was a victim of the worldwide Jewish conspiracy. Labour has suspended this repellent anti-Semite but this is an easy call. What next. Julius Streicher, ooops I mean Lord Ahmed, made this claim on a video which I am sure Ed has seen. Either Labour believes in one nation or it does not.

And so this week’s caption contest comes with no prize just the chance to insult and abuse the spineless Ed Milliband as he decides whether he wishes to lead a party with at least one principle or to keep Lord Ahmed and those who agree with his vile views on board.  So please leave your entries for the picture below in the comments section.

My entry is:  “We are the party of one nation…except for the evil frigging Jews

Milliband if you wish to prove me wrong you know what to do with the despicable Lord Ahmed.

Last week I asked you for a caption to this picture of the General Belgrano


4080 days ago

How the Biased BBC will report the Eastleigh Result

The Tories seem to be admitting that they may come third in the Eastleigh contest. It looks as if the sex pest party will win but UKIP is coming up on the rails fast. Whatever happens Labour will come a dismal 4th with the presence of the Wicked Witch Cherie Blair on the campaign trail yesterday only adding to the woes of its Argie loving candidate. So how will be the BBC report the results?

1. If UKIP wins then it will be “ extremist far right party wins on a disastrous night for the Tories/Lib Dems.” It will then ignore UKIP totally and dismiss its poll numbers as a freak result but quote Ed Milliband as saying Labour was always going to get obliterated but the voter’s rejection of wicked Con Dem austerity shows that he is on track to be the next PM – a great night for Labour. The BBC will report that both Call Me Dave and Nick Clegg face leadership challenges.

2. If the Lib Dems win and UKIP are second it will be “extremist far right party surges on a disastrous night for the Tories.” It will then ignore UKIP totally and dismiss its poll numbers as a freak result but quote Ed Milliband as saying Labour was always going to get obliterated, and the Lib Dems were always going to win what is their safest seat but the voter’s rejection of wicked Con Dem austerity shows that he is on track to be the next PM – a great night for Labour. The BBC will report that both Call Me Dave and Nick Clegg face leadership challenges.

3. If the Tories win and UKIP are second it will be “extremist far right party surges on a disastrous night for the Lib Dems who pay the price of supporting hugely unpopular Tory cuts. It will then ignore UKIP totally and dismiss its poll numbers as a freak result but quote Ed Milliband as saying Labour was always going to get obliterated, and given how the Lib Dems are racked by sex scandals are on 8% in the National Polls that the Tories did not win by more is very bad news for them too. This is a rejection of wicked Con Dem austerity shows that Milliband is on track to be the next PM – a great night for Labour. The BBC will report that both Call Me Dave and Nick Clegg face leadership challenges.
